Things You Should Do EVERY DAY!
Drink Warm Apple Cider Vinegar / Lemon Ginger Water in the AM
Meditate / Stretch / Health Poses
Walk outside in Nature (Barefoot for bonus grounding points)
Exercise >45 minutes with an elevated heart rate (15 min jog on Rest Days)
Listen to Music while being creative (Flow, Painting, Play Instrument, etc...)
Hit Your Macros & Consume your Micros
Utilize daily detox methods (Sauna, Dry Brush, Oil Pulling, DRINK WATER)
Read for 30 minutes each night before bed
Habits You Should Quit NOW!
Smoking Cigs / Vaping
Drinking Soda / Sugary Juices
Bringing your phone into the bedroom
Checking Social Media more than 1 designated time / Day
Any drugs (especially pharmaceuticals) that you use as a crutch.
Watching more than 1 Episode or Segment of TV PROGRAMMING (Don't Be a Sheep)
Eating Heavy Meals Before Bed (Let your body focus on healing itself)
Cut out influences that don't attract positive energy / inspire your dreams
Daily Habbits